When can I use 3D embroidery? - Maudlin Merchandise

When can I use 3D embroidery?

3D embroidery is something absolutely fascinating that allows for added value in projects. The item we work with the most for high relief embroidery is caps, but sweaters and polo shirts can also have 3D embroidery applied and achieve a very high quality.


Here are some tips to maximize the quality of 3D embroidery projects:

  • Element Thickness: It is crucial that the element or text to be embroidered has very thick margins so that we can make the most of the 3D plate. This plate will give height to the embroidery.
  • Distance between Letters or Elements: It is important to have thickness between the various elements that we are going to embroider in 3D. If the images or letters are very close, it will be extremely difficult to finish them conveniently, potentially resulting in work with reduced visual quality.

For a more comprehensive and visual explanation, be sure to check the video listed above. We explain and demonstrate these concepts and others to help you achieve better 3D embroidery work on embroidered caps.



We are a textile printing company that produces quality merchandise with your images.
We have an experienced team and invest in the latest technology to provide our services with the best quality.
We have in-house production capacity for thousands of personalized pieces every day in screen printing, DTF, direct to garment, and embroidery.

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